BQEYZ Wind Review: Breathing in Fun

BQEYZ Wind Review: Breathing in Fun

Chi-fi is probably both the most popular and competitive market among the audiophile hobby. Countless earphones and brands are pouring out each month, and while most of them usually are all good for the price, the real good ones come down to only a handful. That’s right, I’m talking about BQEYZ when referring to one of these exceptionally good IEMs.


BQEYZ has been a major brand of budget earphones that keeps the price affordable enough while packing their earphones with up-to-date techs and tunings. They’ve recently announced and released Wind, the newest family of the Weather Series, and is priced at $239. Let’s test, compare, and overall see what Wind has to offer us. 


Packaging & Options

Other than the earphones, Wind comes with 3 pairs of long-nozzle tips, 3 pairs of wide tips, 3 pairs of standard tips, 1 pair of foam tips, a cleaning tool, a carrying case, and a product booklet. Some brands barely offer eartip options and it’s great to see BQEYZ offering a wide range of accessories. Wind is available in two colors, silver and blue. The BQEYZ also offers different cable options which can be chosen between 2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm.


Earpieces: Bone Conductor + Dynamic Driver

Wind uses a hybrid driver setup but in a more interesting way, sporting a BC (bone conductor) driver for lows and mids, and a dual-cavity dynamic driver for the highs. The BC driver is proprietary built and tuned, which BQEYZ states to be optimized for producing powerful bass and livelier mids. The dynamic driver uses a 10mm LCP composite diaphragm and is made to be complementary to the BC driver.


The earpieces are fully made of CNC aluminum and the sandblasted surface gives a smooth, refined touch and feel. There are uniquely shaped vents on the faceplate which tops Wind with visual characters. A little interesting story behind the design; these vent patterns are derived from the ancient Chinese character of the word “wind”.


Fitting-wise, Wind gives a comfortable, snug fit that won’t easily cause issues. The earpieces are neither too thick nor thin and offer an average insertion depth. Although using a full metal shell, the earpieces aren’t heavy and could be easily used during transit.      


Stock Cable / Termination

The stock cable is made of 4-braided single-crystal SPC wires and is easy to handle. Connectors are finished with standard 2-pin connectors. The cable has an average weight of typical custom cables though doesn’t cause microphonics or springy tension. The cable components are finished with metal parts but they’re fairly light in weight.    


Sound Impressions: A Quality Bass

Now it’s time where we talk about the sound. The Wind has a wide W-shaped sound signature that desires powerful, lively dynamics. The lows are rich and full-bodied with great bass extension. The bass quantity is similar to those with strong V-shaped but the bass doesn’t overwhelm the soundstage. Wind produces thick and textured ultra-lows, continuing meaty bass grooves throughout the low range. The bone conductor driver serves the Wind well through its extra lively bass vibrations. The bass achieves impressively clean and deep extension while keeping great control, which I found to be one of Wind’s strengths.


Neutral, Lush Vocals

While making a flowing transition from the bass, mids take a small step forward to make them sound prominent and clean. The vocals are neutral-thick and full enough to match the thick bass response. The vocals are lush in tone and have an airy, crisp nuance to make Wind sound reveling towards the upper ends. Yet another strength of Wind that’s worth mentioning is the natural presentation of its mid-range. Wind treats the vocals with high-resolution details while keeping it natural and fatigue-free. The vocals don’t wobble or show signs of turbulence in timbre or phasing, nor do they cause any sibilance.


Layered Trebles / Wide Staging 

Showing a similar situation as the mids, the trebles serve with clear and nicely layered details. Highs are slightly reduced in quantity to prevent them from getting too hot or intense. The result is prominent trebles and crisp instruments that are comfortable to listen to for a long time. Trebles are relatively thinner than the low-mids. However, trebles don’t sound lacking in fullness. I’d rather call the trebles finer, as Wind’s trebles sound to be a batch of fine strands, which makes the trebles sound silky and analytical, yet still sounding rich enough in the body.


The treble texture has a similar feeling to those from an EST driver, which is pretty interesting as Wind doesn’t use any EST driver. Soundstage-wise, Wind would most likely not disappoint you either. The Wind has a dynamic, large soundstage that expands three-dimensionally, showing nice depth and vastness.


Next Page: Comparisons / Verdicts